

Registered Charity No. 970913


The Pass Housing Association was set up and is run to provide affordable rented housing for the people of Wootton Fitzpaine. 

Under the terms of the Charity, those eligible to apply for houses should have been born in the Parish of Wootton Fitzpaine or have lived or worked in Wootton Fitzpaine or the vicinity for at least five years. 

The Pass Housing Association was founded by Mrs Olive Pass on the death of her husband who owned the Wootton Fitzpaine Estate. The first two Housing Association houses, East Burton Cottages, were built in his memory to provide affordable housing and security for elderly people who had worked on the estate; so the original tenants of the Association were mainly elderly people who had spent all their lives working in Wootton Fitzpaine. The Estate was split up at this time and another tenanted cottage was purchased.  

The availability of affordable rented property in the countryside has steadily reduced in the fifty years since the Association was formed.  Fewer people are employed on the land,  many tied farm cottages have been sold or converted to holiday accommodation to support farm incomes and the cost of renting has increased significantly.  Opportunities not only for older people but also for young families to remain in the village are consequently limited

The Pass Housing Association decided to expand by buying property when it came up for sale and then, in 1991, to build two new family houses for eligible persons – young and old – who wish to remain in the village. 

The village is extremely fortunate to have a balanced age demographic. The Association is proud of its history and of its tenants. Many tenants work hard for, and play an active part in, their community, belonging to various organisations and participating in a variety of activities.

The Association works with an Agent who deals with day to day matters.  The Association considers it important to keep the properties in good condition and, working with local skilled tradesmen, maintains a programme of improvements for the housing stock. However, having Trustees who live in or near the village, means that they become known to the tenants and can move swiftly if problems arise.  

Hastoe Housing Association was given land to build six new houses in Wootton in 1992. Some are tenanted, some shared equity, all with people from the immediate local area. With these new houses, there are now seventeen affordable homes out of a total of fifty-two properties in the centre of the village. 


Mr Andrew Stevens, Morcombelake

Mrs Judith Legg, Wootton Fitzpaine

Mr Colin Kennedy, Bristol                  

Mr Jon Snook, Wootton Fitzpaine

Ms Elizabeth Daros, Blackpool Corner

Mr Daniel Savage, Wootton Fitzpaine

Tamsin Ely-Jones

Michael Harris, Seaton.  Tel. 01297 24022