Tenant information

Government booklet for Tenants and Landlords, How to Rent


Pass Housing Association is committed to providing an excellent service.  We value complaints and use this information to help to improve our services.  If you are dissatisfied, please tell us. 

If you have a complaint, please raise the matter with our Agent, or with one of the Trustees.  You can complain in person or in writing, giving as much detail as possible, including your name and address, as much detail as you can about the complaint, what has gone wrong and how you would like us to resolve the matter.

Complaints will be handled by our Agent, details below, in accordance with their Complaints Procedure.  Please contact our Agent for a copy of the procedure.

If your complaint is about our Agent, we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and enclose a copy of this procedure. 

We aim to resolve complaints quickly.  This may mean an on-the-spot apology and explanation of something that has clearly gone wrong.  If we cant resolve your complaint at this stage, we will explain why.  This may mean an investigation, which will normally be conducted by two Trustees.

We will aim to give you our decision within three weeks, unless there are exceptional circumstances. 

If you are still not satisfied you can request an independent review from the Property Ombudsman without charge.


Mike Harris

Harris and Harris, Estate Agents

Westminster House

West Street


EX13 5NX

01297 631199


The Property Ombudsman

Milford House

43-55 Milford Street


Wiltshire SP1 2BP

