The Pass Housing Association – GDPR Policy
Registered Charity No. 260607
The Pass Housing Association is fully committed to compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Data Protection Act 1998 and any successor legislation (together, the ‘data protection legislation’).
For the purpose of the Data Protection Act (“the Act”) and the General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”), that replace it from 25th May 2018, the data controller is The Pass Housing Association.
The Pass Housing Association will follow procedures that aim to ensure that all tenants and tenant applicants, and others who have access to any personal data, are fully aware of and responsible for the handling of personal data in line with the data protection legislation. The policy will be
available on the Pass Housing Association web site and applicants for tenancy with the Pass Housing Association will be provided with a copy and asked to confirm their consent to their personal information being used for the purpose of selection.
In order to operate efficiently, tenants provide some personal information on the Application Form. The Association will only ask for the information necessary to process an application to become a tenant.
When the Association records and uses your personal information it will:
• only access it for good reason
• only share what is necessary and relevant
• not sell it to anyone
Personal information will be handled and stored in line with data protection law. All tenant information is securely stored. Hard copy/paper material is stored securely. Electronic information is stored with password protection, and virus protection. Once a decision has been made, only successful tenant contact details will be stored electronically.
Information provided by unsuccessful tenants will be destroyed/deleted within 4 months of a new tenancy agreement being accepted by the successful applicant.
The Application Form and contact details of the successful tenant will be retained by the Association for the period of the tenancy. Any information concerning the tenant will be deleted within 4 months of the end of the tenancy.
Information is only available to the PHA (Pass Housing Association) trustees and the professionals acting for the PHA. Information will not be shared with third parties without the tenant’s consent unless the Association is required to do so, for example:
• to comply with the law, called ‘legal obligation’.
• to protect someone’s life, called ‘vital interests’.
The Pass Housing Association is not registered with the ICO (Information Commissioners Office).
Harris and Harris Estates provide professional services and are the letting agents for the Pass Housing Association. Privacy policy.